Timing is everything. If you, as a homeowner, miss a time window to address your roof following a storm, you could jeopardize your chances of any resolution. Although it may seem harsh, your insurance provider restricts how long you have after a storm to initiate the roof inspection process. In fact, the insurance company could make it downright impossible to schedule a roof inspection. Don’t get caught in this unfortunate situation—a roof inspection after a storm must be performed promptly.
Do Not Delay
As a homeowner, taking swift action following a storm is to your advantage. Involve a reputable roofing company to assist. Maintain close contact with your insurance provider. Don’t “accidentally” risk compromising your best interests by delaying resolution.
1. Delaying A Roof Inspection Can Result In Additional Damage To Your Home
This concern should cause a homeowner to act swiftly following a storm. If the roof is suspected to have incurred damage, it now presents a hazard to a home. For example, if the roof becomes compromised (for example, several small holes form), the house now faces an increased risk of potentially permanent and irreversible interior damage. Moisture will likely impinge the outer roof surface and enter into interior spaces, where subsequent issues like mold and mildew formation could result.
2. Delaying An Inspection Could Lead To The Denial Of An Insurance Claim
Every state has a statute of limitations by which a homeowner can file an insurance claim. Additionally, each insurance provider incorporates provisions within the insurance policy that detail a homeowner’s responsibility in the aftermath of a catastrophic event. The more you delay, the more you jeopardize your interests. An unreasonable passage of time following a storm might result in an insurance claim being denied even if you suffered significant damage to your roof.
3. Delaying An Inspection Could Produce Inaccurate Findings
The longer the time between the actual event and the roof inspection, the greater the likelihood that “something” might get missed. It happens. It’s human nature. For this reason, knowledgeable roofing professionals recommend that the homeowner contact a reputable roofing company within 24-48 hours following a storm (even if they don’t necessarily suspect damage to the roof) to schedule a roofing inspection. A homeowner is in a much stronger position to have precise information.
4. Delaying May Complicate Matters If An Additional Event Occurs
Assume a powerful spring thunderstorm blows through your neighborhood. In its wake, unrelenting gusts and large hailstones impact your roof, resulting in meaningful damage to many of the shingles. Most of them suffer hail damage, and others are loosened or blown off by the straight-line winds. Instead of taking immediate action, you delay. A different event impacts your roof four months later, causing additional damage. How will these situations be handled? It could complicate a speedy resolution.
Finding The Right Professional To Conduct A Roof Inspection
For residential homeowners in Denver, Fort Collins, and surrounding Front Range communities, Red Diamond Roofing offers comprehensive residential roofing inspection services that pinpoint problems. We also supply proactive solutions to ensure your roofing system’s long-range performance and viability. Contact Red Diamond Roofing today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our full menu of residential roofing services.