Blog Archives

Ice Dam Removal: Can You Tackle It Yourself?

Ice Dam Removal: Can You Tackle It Yourself?

Is it responsible for you (as a homeowner) to remove an ice dam yourself? If so, can you perform this task safely? Do you face the risk of damaging your home by extracting an ice dam? What options exist to

Posted in Residential

Can You Replace a Roof in the Winter? Myths vs. Reality

Can You Replace a Roof in the Winter? Myths vs. Reality

The winter season in Colorado brings more than just the enchanting beauty of snow-covered landscapes and glistening frost; it also introduces icy conditions, extreme temperatures, high winds, and heavy snowfall. With such conditions, the last thing most homeowners want to

Posted in Residential

Winter Warning: Are Your Gutters Contributing To Ice Dams?

Winter Warning Are Your Gutters Contributing to Ice Dams

Do gutters cause ice dams? More specifically, can a faulty gutter contribute to ice damming? Residential homeowners may not understand whether gutter issues lead directly to the formation of an ice dam. However, ice dams are typically caused by multiple

Posted in Residential

Is A New Roof The Solution For Lowering Your Energy Bills?

Is a New Roof the Solution for Lowering Your Energy Bills?

If you’ve grown frustrated with the ever-increasing cost of heating and cooling (like most of us), consider installing a new energy-efficient roof. An aging or dilapidated roof may cost you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in excess energy consumption.

Posted in Residential

Can You Reroof Your House in Sections? Everything You Need to Consider

Can You Reroof Your House in Sections? Everything You Need to Consider

Some homeowners consider reroofing their houses in sections, tackling specific areas needing attention rather than replacing the whole roof at once. While reroofing in sections may seem appealing, it is important to fully understand the potential drawbacks before proceeding.

Posted in Residential

Act Promptly! Potential Risks Of A Delayed Roof Inspection After A Storm

Timing is everything. If you, as a homeowner, miss a time window to address your roof following a storm, you could jeopardize your chances of any resolution. Although it may seem harsh, your insurance provider restricts how long you have

Posted in Residential, Storm Damage

Denver Roofing: Understanding The Different Roof Types For Our Unique Climate

Denver Rofing: Understanding the Different Roof Types for Our Unique Climate

Colorado’s climate is best described as “extreme.” Locals understand they must be prepared for anything because nothing about Colorado’s weather is predictable. Unlike any other state, the climatic conditions can change dramatically within hours, if not minutes. It is not

Posted in Residential

When Money Is Tight: What To Do if You Can’t Afford a Roof Replacement

When Money Is Tight: What To Do if You Can’t Afford a Roof Replacement

What options exist if personal finances are tight, but you think your home needs a roof replacement sooner versus later? Deciding what to do next can produce a lot of unnecessary stress. Is financing available? Are there other alternatives? A

Posted in About Roofers, Residential

The Time Factor: How Long Will a Roof Inspection Take?

The Time Factor: How Long Will a Roof Inspection Take?

Time. Most people wish they had more of it. Most of us can agree on that point. In our ever-busy lives, time is a valuable (and indispensable) commodity. If you own a home, you understand that the roof’s performance is

Posted in About Roofers, Residential, Storm Damage

Roof Replacement 101: How Long Does it Really Take?

Roof Replacement 101: How Long does it really take?

Many homeowners are put off from pursuing an essential roof replacement because they fear their home will remain under construction for an extended period – an unreasonable amount of time. Often, these homeowner concerns are more than justified.  Given the

Posted in Residential