Are There Warning Signs to Watch For When A Roof Replacement is Needed?

The roof is an essential part of any home. Without it, your house would fail to perform its most fundamental function – protecting you from the elements. This is why it’s so important to take proper care of it. Despite our best efforts to properly maintain our roofing, the cumulative effects of the sun, rain, wind, and other factors will eventually make it necessary for us to replace it. Carrying out a roof replacement constitutes a significant financial commitment. Because of this, the decision should come after careful consideration. You will need to pay close attention to the indicators of a failing roof before making the final decision. In this piece, we’ll explore some of the most common signs telling you that roof replacement is needed

The Presence of Mildew or Mold

Blocked vents and over-insulation are the two primary causes of underventilation. These can be encountered in older and new roofs. Poor attic ventilation is the main cause of mold growth in people’s homes. When warm, moist air becomes trapped in an attic, it will condense and encourage the development of rust on the nails underneath the roof. It will also contribute to the eventual growth of mold. Over time, this can lead to the rotting of plywood, which is bad news for your roof. 

In addition to the danger posed to your roof, mold can be a significant health hazard to those living on the property. Children, the elderly, and those with a history of respiratory ailments such as asthma and emphysema will be particularly vulnerable to the dangers of black mold.

Buckled or Curled Shingles

Moisture buildup in your attic may cause the nails holding your roof shingles in place to fall out. This might lead to shingles blowing off your roof and exposing you to the elements. The first signs that your shingles are at risk of falling off are visible curling or buckling. 

The apparent dangers that missing shingles come with are water penetration, inefficient temperature regulation, and the potential for the damage to escalate, leading to more shingles dislodging.

Visible Algae Growth or Tar Streaking

Some shingle manufacturers still use limestone and similar materials as fillers to keep their production costs low. The trouble is that bacteria can eat away at limestone, allowing algae to grow on the shingles. Algae growth leads to apparent black tar streaking. In addition, the algae will significantly diminish the waterproofing properties of your shingles.

Persistent Ice Dam Formation

This temperature difference is also at the root of ice dam formation. An ice dam is a large ice formation that forms at the roof’s edge or in the gutters, preventing water from flowing off the roof efficiently. Such a formation can cause water to leak into your attic. It will not have anywhere else to go if it cannot flow away from your roof.  The water leaks will lead to further complications. 

If your attic is well-ventilated and adequately insulated, it will be almost certain that your roof is defective and needs repair or replacement.

Granule Buildup in Your Gutters

A sure way to determine whether your roof is in good condition is to check on the state of the granules that cover shingles. Weathering causes these granules to fall off and diminish the effectiveness of your shingles. You will spot them lying in your roof’s gutters or in the downspout splash pan. If you consistently have significant amounts of granules in your gutters, you’ll know that a roof replacement is needed.

Noticeable Temperature Differences Between Your Attic and Outdoors

While this might take time to notice with a casual inspection of your home, attics should have the same temperature as the outside. A well-ventilated property will allow air to move freely in and out of the space. The free movement of air equalizes the temperature on both sides. 

Ridge vents usually facilitate this heat exchange. But a deteriorating roof might fail to do so because of a blocked ridge vent. These vents are the primary pathway moisture and heat escapes your attic.

Light Shining in Through Your Roof

An obvious red flag indicating the need for roof replacement is noticeable light coming into your house through the roof. Once light can come in through your roof deck, you can be sure it also allows rainwater and moisture to seep into your house. Permeating light might also indicate that your shingle nails have corroded away or have fallen through. 

This may also signify that other components of your roof’s waterproofing elements, such as the collars, step flashing, and flashing, might have also been corroded. This corrosion makes the need for a replacement all the more imperative.

Who to Call When Roof Replacement is Needed

Many homeowners believe that roof replacement should be carried out after 20 years of service, more or less, depending on the type of roofing in question. This might seem reasonable. The reality is that using sub-par materials in your roofing, roof misapplication, mechanical damage, or particularly harsh climatic conditions might make it necessary to do this much earlier. 

You should only trust expert, experienced, and dedicated roofing contractors to handle such an important project on your behalf. If you have a home or property in Denver or Fort Collins, Colorado, put your faith in Red Diamond Roofing to deliver high-quality, long-lasting, efficient, and affordable roof maintenance and replacement services. Call us today!



Posted in Residential
  • The Time Factor: How Long Will a Roof Inspection Take?


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